Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

attraction: scientific style

Attraction is a very mysterious thing to us humans. It is so mysterious that scientists really work hard to reveal the mystery behind it. One of the biggest questions is why are we attracted to a certain person and most of the time we are attracted to handsome and beautiful person. A documentary, that I watched during the last week's Sexual Behavior class, has revealed the answer that big question. Honestly, the documentary is so similar to the documentary that I watched during the Female Psychology class last semester. It almost explain the exact thing, there's only subtle differences between them. Actually, I'm not really that interested in writing my opinion again since you can simply just check my old stuff. But, because there's an assignment, I am forced to rewrite my opinion. That's not a really genuine reason to write to be honest.

The main point about the documentary that I watched at both class is we are attracted to good looking person because it's a reproduction strategy. So, the thing is we humans want to have perfect offspring and attractive face provide a clue towards good genes. Why? Because if you have an attractive face that means when you're still in your mother's belly, you probably grew up without any abnormalities. No virus, no bacteria, no alcohol, no poison, nothing dangerous that could harm you and not to forget probably also no inherited disease. Abnormalities during pregnancy could harm the baby's body and automatically ruin their genes. So, it might be a good idea for mothers to be very careful during pregnancy.

Actually, this is not a very surprising thing. Almost everyone in the world know that person with attractive face will have a beautiful offspring. There are so many examples around us, look at David and Victoria Beckham! Do you see how handsome and beautiful their children are? It is quite clear that those kids don't have any weird disease that might harm them. So, attractive face might be a strong predictor for healthy offspring.

This documentary also explain that women have to make sure their mate have enough money to protect them, especially during pregnancy. We know that women are vulnerable during pregnancy and would find it very difficult to work. They need resourceful men to protect and help them. Raising children is not an easy job and needs a lot of cash. This is why women must consider their partners' resource, specifically economic resource, when choosing their mate. They also usually consider their partners' personality. A bad father is of course dangerous for their children.

Well, that's all the documentaries were generally talking about. In my opinion, this quite makes sense for  me because the most important thing is that I want my children to be at least as tall me as me. That's why I really want to have a tall girl as my wife. Short girls how beautiful they are most of the time turn me off. But, choosing your future husband and wife sometimes doesn't always have to do with their outer appearance. Inner beauty is a very important component, too. Good personality is very important thing. It's a hell to have a wife as beautiful as Miss Universe if she has horrible personality.

In conclusion, if you have a beautiful wife with a great personality, then be grateful of what you have. If her appearance is not that great, then thank God women have make up.

"There are no ugly women, only lazy ones." - Helena Rubinstein

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