Senin, 20 Mei 2013

a lesson learned from interviewing experience

Today was the final day for our Interviewing Technique class' interview roleplay. I'm still a bit surprised that I have finished the whole process that lasts for three weeks. We started the roleplay in office setting and after that we do it in the educational setting. We finish it with roleplay interview in clinical setting. Honestly, I had a weird feeling occur throughout the interview roleplay. Since for few months, I have been interviewing (or counseling) children from middle-to-low schools in Jakarta and Tangerang. I guess since I have been applying Interviewing Technique class' materials in real life, for me doing interview roleplay for me is a bit boring. I also think that when I was counseling children I have a different framework than what the class' materials told me. That's why during my first roleplay interview, I did a lot of mistakes. But, I can't deny that learning from Bu Henny helps me a lot in improving my interviewing technique skills.

The whole interviewing thing started around February when I decided to join the YCAB foundation. At that time, YCAB foundation is looking for volunteers that is willing to help children with problems. A chance to receive counseling experience during undergraduate studies interest me a lot. The YCAB foundation thought me about Satir Brief Therapy, a therapy that was created by Virginia Satir. This Satir therapy thing is going to be given to Master students of Tarumanagara University, especially the clinical psychology student. I heard this from my Counseling and Psychotherapy class lecturer Bu Denrich during last week class. I don't want to seem arrogant, but let's just say that I am one step ahead from plenty of Master students in Satir therapy area (or maybe not). *haha*

Let's get back to the interview roleplay before I start writing more about my experience in YCAB foundation. At the same time, I also can't deny that the roleplay helps me in certain area, especially in interview in office setting. I also happily accept Bu Henny's helpful tips throughout the 3-week roleplay interview help me to improve my behavior in interviewing process. But, I can't get it out of my mind the weird feeling of interviewing my own classmates. Now, let's stop talking about the roleplay interview.

During the last part, I would like to share my experience interviewing a lady I met in the boarding house for handicapped people. Actually, the reason I have to interview the lady is because the information that I recieved from the lady will be used for the Interview Technique class' final exam. Honestly, I feel a little bit angry against Bu Henny because I have so many assignments to do! *don't scold me Bu* But, she said that the reason for this assignment is to know how well is our interviewing skills. So, with a little bit grumpy feeling, I interview a 40-year-old lady I met in the boarding house one week ago. The lady have a very sad experience throughout her whole life. She lost her parents, she lost one of her legs, and she have no one to depend on. She tried to kill herself few times, but she survived the whole ordeal. I almost cry during interview, but thankfully I didn't. Whenever I felt crying, I always remind myself about Bu Henny's advice not to cry during the interview process. *thanks Bu Henny* Finally, she told me that although she until now feels very sad, she felt grateful and thankful that she was given a chance to live by God.

I learned a very valuable lesson from her that although how horrible your life is you should be grateful that you were still living until now. It was a chance given to us mankind by God to create a better future for ourselves. The roleplay interview and final exam assignment interview reminds me Bu Henny's past lesson. She told me that from every kind of interview, we could learn a valuable lesson to improve myself. To me, it was such a gratifying experience after finishing an interview process. I learn something from the interview to apply it to my life, so that I can have a better life for myself.

In the end, I would like to say thank you to Bu Henny for the Interviewing Technique class, the lady at the boarding house for handicapped people, and finally to my classmates at the Interviewing Technique class. I feel grateful for all your help throughout the whole process. Indeed what Karen Horney said,"Life may be the best therapist" because interviewing (or talking with) someone is an important part of our life, especially if you're a psychologist (or a soon-to-be).

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