Rabu, 22 Mei 2013


Pedophilia is one of the most direst clinical psychology case in the world. It has a lot of impact towards the victim. The trauma caused by rape could last for a lifetime. Life will be very different after rape experience. Although psychologist work as hard as possible, we can only minimize the trauma effect. But, sadly most of us forget to treat the pedophilia suspect because of disgust towards them. In my opinion, this is a sad thing because they could sexually abuse children again after their release. So, treating them means that we could prevent the same thing to occur again.

Yes, we can't deny that it will hard treating pedophiles. It is very difficult to stop someone loving a certain person, I think we could apply the same thing towards pedophiles. They love children and trying to stop them loving children needs a lot of hard work. Pedophiles need to be accept their love towards children is wrong. They have to be willing to let go their own feelings for their own good.

We know the importance of treating the victim to improve their future. Yet, we need to remember that treating the culprit might help us to prevent the same thing to happen again. The best way is actually to improve our child protection law and not to forget to improve the implementation. All members of our society also need to be aware of sexual abuse that occur to children in their neighborhood. There's a chance a sexual abuse victim could become a pedophile in the future.

In the end, the most important thing is to protect our children and giving them the right sex education. We need to teach to protect certain areas of their bodies. We also need them to know they need to shout or run if someone touch those areas. Parent-child communication becomes very important for our children's future. Don't be shy and start communicating with your children.

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