Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

understanding HIV and AIDS

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the most well-known viruses in the world. The virus is the main cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a disease that progressively causes a problem towards humans' immune system. Problems in immune system might cause a lot of life-threatening virus or bacteria to easily attack humans. This disease until now is incurable, but it is still possible to prolong the victims' life through medical intervention. But, the victim's life could only be prolonged if the viruses haven’t caused the disease. This is why it is very important for us to be aware about the presence of this virus around us.

Although, HIV is a very dangerous virus, it can only spread through direct blood contact, for example blood transfusion, drug injection, sexual intercourse, breastfeeding, and contact to the open wound. There is no reason for us to discriminate someone living with HIV. They have their rights to live as normal as possible. As long as they are very careful with themselves, there is nothing to worry about them. Touching them is a possible thing, although directly touching their wounds is not advisable. But, the point is people with HIV is not as dangerous as we think about, they are actually as harmless as us if they take good care of themselves.

Preventing HIV is a very simple thing to do. Avoiding direct blood contact and having a healthy lifestyle such as avoiding free sex and drugs are the main points. We need to realize that discriminating people with HIV might cause their death. Loneliness caused by the discrimination might cause their immune system to be weakened. Weak immune system causes the HIV to spread more easily. Soon, life-threatening virus and bacteria will soon easily attack the victim's body. That is why some people say that it is not the HIV that kills the victims; it is the loneliness that kills them.

So, stay healthy and start having a healthy health style! Also, remember that people with HIV is not someone we should be afraid of. Yes, their disease is a very scary thing, but the victims are still ordinary human with their own feelings. :)

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